This is the perfect place to stay for your vacations in Kefalonia.
Milo nam Panstwa powitac w nowo powstalym budynku Thalassa Superior Hotel, ktory jest polozony w pieknej, zielonej oazie w regionie Kounopetra, znajdujacej sie 7 km od malowniczego miasteczka Lixouri.
read moreThis is the perfect place to stay for your vacations in Kefalonia.
Reastaurant Bars
The hotel’s restaurant is located near the pools and is decorated with wood and the colors of the sunset. There is an open buffet with great variety of foods and deserts where we also serve the organic products we cultivate in our fields.
Lixouri, Kefalonia island
Thalassa Superior Hotel
Tel.: +30 26710 91496
Ionian Sea Hotel
Tel.: +30 26710 92280
Fax: +30 26710 92980
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